
1st September

On the first of September, which is the first day of school, the school ceremony takes place in the schoolyard. For youngsters, who are coming to the first class, there is an ABC Book ceremony and they are brought to the hall by the 12th grade students.

1st September 2014 (all 3 photos)

Welcoming the Freshmen

This is a day in October when the 10th grade students are ‘inaugurated ‘ to secondary school. Older students think out what to do with the freshmen. Usually they have to eat something disgusting or do some exercises or solve some tasks. This lasts for one school day, students are having lessons, but during the breaks they are doing what the 10th grade students tell them to do.

3rd October (all 4 photos)

Running through Kadrina

It takes place every year in October when we have our school anniversary week. Every class, even teachers, give out their team. In one team, there are five girls and five boys. The track is around 3 km. It is for the 4th-12th grade students and teachers.

2nd October 2014 (all 3 photos)

Teachers’ Day

One of our school traditions is Teachers’ Day. On that day the length of school day is shortened and the students take over the roles of teachers and give lessons. At the end of the school day there is a gathering where the students share their experiences of their day with the teachers and make conclusions of the day and do whatever usually the teachers do. At that time when students substitute for the teachers, teachers are not at home, they are at school and usually they do tasks they are given. For example in 2012 teachers prepared Gangnam Style dance.

Teachers' Day

Volleyball between Students and Teachers

It is a day which is on the same day as the Teachers’ Day. Students and teachers have a competition in volleyball.

3rd October 2014 (all 3 photos)

School parties

Kadrina Secondary school also hosts a lot of school parties. Usually there is a party with a cultural background like Playbox, Fashion Show and Open Stage in which students can take part in and then there will usually be a disco. But on Christmas we have Christmas ball.

School parties

School parties

Tree planting

Tree planting is an old tradition that involves 12th grade students planting a tree at their final ceremony. The tree is a symbol of graduation and a meeting place for later assemblies. So far there are 54 trees, which means that there has been a total of 54 ceremonies for the graduates of Kadrina secondary school. It will be the symbol of graduation and a meeting place for later assemblies.

20th April 2014 (2 photos) 50th ceremony


Kadrina Secondary school has become a home for an event named CADrina. It involves teams from different schools competing against each other in 3D Drafting. For the competition program AutoCAD is used. Usually there is one team from Kadrina Secondary school and 2 or 3 other teams are from Tallinn or even from further places. There has been already 5 CADrina competitions. It is the biggest event of Kadrina Secondary school. After the competition some famous Estonian singer or band performs.

21.11.2014 (all 3 photos)

Graduates’ Day

We also have graduates day and on that day the students who have graduated from Kadrina Secondary school come back and tell about what are they learning, what were they learning or about what are they doing for living. Depending on how its organised and who are talking you have to make a decision who you want to listen to.

Subject weeks

The school also has subject weeks. These weeks are focused on different subjects and one subject has a time period of one week and during that week you can test your skill, participate in different tryouts and compete against other students in a manner of ways. In addition, a lot of people who don’t really have a connection with school come to speak about a lot of different things, based on the week.

Vaata, mis on uut Kadrina valla kodulehel

Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondid


Haridus- ja Noorteamet

Tartu Ülikool

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Eesti Lennuakadeemia

Tervist edendavad koolid (TEK)

VEPA Käitumisoskuste Mäng

ProgeTiigri programm

Kiusamisvaba Kool

KiVa programm

Ettevõtlik Kool
EMU logo transparent 01 TLU
