The Strengths of our School

In September 2011 11th class students Eva Kaarin Viise ja Inge Jatsko conducted a survey among our students about the strengths of our school.

14 students from form 8 to 12 and 2 graduates answered to the following questions to figure out what the students like in Kadrina Secondary School. The questions were:

1) Name five positive things in our school and school system, explain.
2) What could be different, how?
3) What other activities or subjects would you like to have?

Good sides according to the 8th class:

  • Good teachers
  • Good looking rooms
  • Nice students / friends
  • A lot of opportunities for having hobbies
  • Buffet – can buy everything
  • E-School – good overview over marks

The 8th class said that the school should participate in some kind of project, where all the students in school can attend. They also said that they would also like to have football and skiing, but it was also said that the school already has everything.

The good sides of Kadrina Secondary School in the opinion of the 9th class were:

  • Good / consistent teachers
  • Good looking rooms
  • Good food – different tastes
  • e-School – good review over home tasks and marks
  • Good possibilities for choosing subjects
  • Healthy things in buffet

The 9th class said that lessons should start earlier, then they could get home also earlier, and there should be more activities during the breaks. But they are mostly pleased with the activities, but some of them still wish for bigger language section.

The 10th class likes:

  • e-School,
  • the teachers,
  • and the theme weeks and days which take place during all the school year.

They wish that the school had a tennis practise and that there would not be that much homework – the majority should be done at school.

The 11th class brought a lot of good points out:

  • Canteen has tasty food – it depends on students’ taste
  • People are friendly
  • Most teachers offer high quality education
  • Library has all the books we need for our studies – they are free
  • A lot of optional subjects
  • Free meals until 9th class
  • Numerous projects for students that give us interesting knowledge of other countries

They would prefer free meals to everyone, because students have long days. And they would also like to have less homework, new classes, and longer breaks.

The activities which are missed, are football for girls, new stadium with more opportunities + PE teachers should teach more technique and they said that it would be good to open an optional subject lesson group already with 1 person – they are now opened, when there are at least 10 students.

Similarly to the previous classes, the 12th class found that the school has:

  • good teachers
  • “Catch up” lessons – help to catch up, if a student has been ill etc.
  • Considering with children abilities in PE lessons – students’ voice is heard and even demanded
  • Good equipment for working – school is keeping things up to date
  • e-School

They said that they would like to have more optional subjects and the school should have more strictness and order in the breaks, as the amount of smokers keeps rising.

They also said that it would be good to have an opportunity to learn design and having something like Glee-club.

Graduates brought out pros like most of the teachers are good and helpful, school has good choice of optional subjects and international work, building is student-friendly, event CADrina related to optional subject. Also blue-book-system and different opportunities for PE lessons.

We find our school to be very good. For example we like the canteen part – the buffet is good and the food is better in every year, in secondary school teachers treat us as equal as they are, e-School, school complex has everything (canteen, library, gym) and the most important is that students’ opinion is asked.

  1. We thought that if the school started earlier, then the lunch break would be longer. Moreover, we could have Spanish and some kind of dance lesson in our optional lessons list.
  2. The mostly mentioned pros were that school has good teachers, e-School, good food, possibility for choosing, nice environment and the theme weeks.

Vaata, mis on uut Kadrina valla kodulehel

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