
Our school has a lot of facilities. We have a new repaired and improved library that has a separate reading room, where you can also make presentations. In addition, we have an auditorium and a multimedia class, which are used for making presentations, lectures or watching study videos. There are also 3 separate computer classes, but the teachers have computers in each classroom.

computer class
computer class

We have three facilities for PE lessons and sport – a gym, which is mostly used for team sports such as volleyball and basketball, a manege, which has opportunities to improve your strength by doing push ups or chin ups, and a stadium, which is used for outdoor activities. Students have their swimming lessons in the swimming pool of the local sports centre.


We also have a big assembly hall. There we have gatherings and celebrations such as fashion shows etc, but at the moment it is undergoing major repairworks.

assembly hall
assembly hall

The school has a canteen, which also has a buffet where students can buy snacks.

Vaata, mis on uut Kadrina valla kodulehel

Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondid


Haridus- ja Noorteamet

Tartu Ülikool

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Eesti Lennuakadeemia

Tervist edendavad koolid (TEK)

VEPA Käitumisoskuste Mäng

ProgeTiigri programm

Kiusamisvaba Kool

KiVa programm

Ettevõtlik Kool
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