Extra-Curricular Activities

Every day we go to school, we study, we go home. But something may be missing… HAVING FUN! Kadrina is a very small village, nevertheless we have many extra-curricular activities that everyone can join in. You can read a bit about every activity below and choose the right one(s) for you.



1) Troup Name: Cadencia
Style: different styles
Frequency: twice a week
Instructors: Marge Mägi, Helena Mägi

The idea to create a dance group came in Spring 2003 when seven girls performed at school with their own dance. Starting from October 2003, this group has functioned as a ‘hobby club’. The instructor is Marge Mägi and the classes are from September to June, usually twice a week, but also extra classes, if they are needed. The group’s name “Cadencia” comes from Spanish and it means ‘rhythm’. Its main aim is to spend free time by developing creativity and proving yourself. Cadencia has participated in many festivals, including ‘Koolitants’ (‘School dance’) and they have been also invited to Turkey for performances.



2) Style: folk
Frequency: once a week
Instructors: Helena Mägi, Egert Eenmaa, Ebe Abner

In Kadrina, there has always been an interest for folk traditions, especially for dancing. So every year new groups have been created, provided that a sufficient number of people will participate in. Groups are made in different age levels or by gender, starting from children and ending with adults. They also participate in the great Estonian folk dance celebration called ‘Tantsupidu’, which takes place after every four years.

folk dance

folk dance


In Kadrina Secondary School we have different types of choirs, where everyone can participate in: Maiden-choir, Children’s choir, Toddler-choir, Mixed-choir and Church-choir. The conductors are Elene Altmäe, Merike Trepp, Silja Uhs, Saale Kreen. Classes are usually once or twice a week and choirs perform at many school, regional and international events. They also participate in the great Estonian national music celebration called ‘Laulupidu’, which takes place after every four years.

chidren choir

Music and Art School

Legally, this school is a separate institution, but as it is located in the same building and our pupils attend in it, we consider it as a part of our school.

In the music school, there are a lot of instruments which can be learned, including:

  • keyboard instruments (piano, accordion),
  • string instruments (violin, classical guitar),
  • brass instruments (wood instruments: block flute, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone),
  • percussion instruments (drums),
  • group lessons (solfeggio, music theory and history, chamber group).

In the art school you can learn:

  • drawing,
  • painting,
  • composition,
  • sculpture,
  • art history.

Classes in both schools start from 12:40 pm and end at 7:15 pm. The headmaster of both schools is Eve Vunk. Fee depends on the school and level, which you are learning (6 € – 15 € per month).



It takes place in the gym of the school two to five times per week. The instructor is Jaan Rummi and the fee is 5 € per month.




The instructor is Raivo Triubuntsov. Classes take place 2 times per week in the Kadrina Sporthouse’s gym. Free of charge.



The instructor is Villu Kask, but at the moment there are no lessons.


It is possible to take extra swimming classes in the pool of Kadrina Sporthouse. The instructor is Urve Ringmets and the classes depend on agreement set at the beginning of a school year.



Two teachers from Kadrina Secondary School give aerobics and fitness lessons at Kadrina Sporthouse: Rutt Kuusemäe and Janika Holmberg. With Mrs. Kuusemäe you can do circuit training, step-aerobics and body-aerobics. With Mrs. Holmberg you can have fun with step-aerobics, water aerobics and body-aerobics.



Five times per week you can see wrestlers in the wrestling gym of Kadrina Sporthouse. You can join in, too! The instructors are Valeri Pormann and Marger Pormann – they wrestle in different styles (free, Greco-Roman). There are also a lot of competitions, almost every week.



Kick-boxing takes two times per week in the wrestling gym of Kadrina Sporthouse. The instructor is Alger Nurk and the lessons are free of charge.

Judo, sumo

On Mondays and Wednesdays (6:00 pm – 7:30 pm) you can see people having fun with judo and sumo in strange kimonos tied on with coloured belts in the gym of the kindergarten and on Thursdays (6:00 pm – 7:00 pm) you can see them in Kadrina Sporthouse. They are instructed by Raul Pakler and the club is called Viru Judo. You are free to join the group and the free is 1.3 € per day (you pay for the whole month at once).

Shooting range

Under a military and co-police officer Ants Gruno you can study how to become a proffesional shooter. The classes are twice a week in Kadrina Sporhouse basement and it is free of charge. In addition to that the shooting range is meant for ALL ages.

shooting range

In addition

You can use the whole Kadrina Sporthouse (gyms, pool, shooting hall) and also school stadium and ball court without joining any of the named groups. Exercising and having fun is one of the most important activities in life – it lessens stress level and you can also find a lot of new friends by joining one of these groups. Good luck finding the right way for you!

cross-country skiing

Vaata, mis on uut Kadrina valla kodulehel

Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondid


Haridus- ja Noorteamet

Tartu Ülikool

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Eesti Lennuakadeemia

Tervist edendavad koolid (TEK)

VEPA Käitumisoskuste Mäng

ProgeTiigri programm

Kiusamisvaba Kool

KiVa programm

Ettevõtlik Kool
EMU logo transparent 01 TLU
