How To Get To Kadrina

Kadrina is located in the northern part of Estonia. The nearest bigger towns to Kadrina are Rakvere and Tapa. Buses from these two towns depart almost every hour. Kadrina Secondary School is right across the road from the bus stop.

Bus schedules:

To Rakvere or Tapa you can get by either bus or train. Buses to Rakvere depart from Tallinn also nearly every hour.

It is also possible to get to Kadrina by train from Tallinn or Narva which is the cheaper and faster option, but it does not depart as often as buses do.

Map of the railway with the stops:

Train schedules:

The train station is a walk away from Kadrina Secondary School.

The address of Kadrina Secondary School is Rakvere tee 4, Kadrina, Kadrina rural municipality, Lääne-Viru county.

Photo by Karmen Floren (2014)

Photo by Google (2012)

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