Exchange at Kadrina Keskkool

At Kadrina Keskkool there have already been some exchange students – not only for just a week with for example the Germany – Estonia exchange, but there have been some, who were here for a whole year, for example with the organization YFU – like me.

I am Marie from Germany and I am studying here during the school year 2014/2015. I can say that Kadrina Keskkool is totally different form my German school – beginning with changing your shoes in the morning in the wardrobe. In this school study the younger ones from grade 1-3, which is elementary school, from 4-9 basic school and then follow 3 years of high school, if you want. So I see little children every day.

After half a year being in Estonia I already speak Estonian, of course not like an Estonian, but I can follow most of the lessons and I can have conversations. During exchange you learn so many things and not only about the culture you are living in, even about your own culture and of course about yourself. I think it is much fun to take part in all the Estonian traditions, for example the Teachers’ Day.

Sometimes there are even events at Kadrina Keskkool. This year there have been concerts by Terminaator and Karl-Erik Taukar, who are very popular in Estonia and a famous actor (Andrus Vaarik) was interviewed as well.


That’s me in winter at the sea. I like to travel in Estonia and because it is so small I have the chance to see nearly everything. And it isn’t that expensive either! Estonia is a really beautiful country. By now, a part of me is already Estonian.

In every room there is a TV or a beamer. Schoolbooks can all be borrowed from the library. And because of all the technology the lessons are influenced a lot by it.

What I like about the school, is, that it offers different opportunities. If you don’t want to do everything in sports the teacher gives you the opportunity to do something different. And often you may choose your own topic on which you want to make a presentation about. At the beginning of my exchange year I was allowed to have more German lessons, so I could practise better Estonian. Now I have all my lessons with my own class.

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